Keep Exploring

Identity | Entreprenuership | eCommerce | Apparel | Copywriting


Simply put, Keep Exploring is a movement that encourages people to find adventure in everyday life. An idea hatched on a summer road trip in 2013 with Alex Sparks - starting with a hand-stitched flag made of felt - KE later grew to a loyal fanbase of 35K+ followers. We shipped flags to over 40 countries and sold a myriad of other inspirational knick-knacks to fellow explorers across the globe.

We sold a majority of the company in 2018 to focus on Gnome Cones, but I still have fond memories of the brand we built and friends we made along the way.

knick-knacks for explorers

While our focal product was the signature red flag, we had a lot of fun creating a full product line around the KE motto. From patches to bandanas, pennants to leather “Explorer’s Club” keychains, Keep Exploring was a master class in learning to keep a brand identity consistent over a wide breadth of products.


Gnome Cones


Texas Tee House